What does it mean to “Let go of the need” and “Not be attached of the outcome”?

If you find yourself Worrying about the accomplishment of your Goal, that is your clue that you became “attached” to that outcome.

If you enjoy the activity in and of itself show that, although you still Want the outcome, you’re not attached to it and thus you can allow your Playful Creativity to emerge.

As a coach or therapist, what are you actually selling?

Have you ever tried to “make” someone produce a particular change? How did that go?

Does the physician “guarantee” that you will become healthy, after your visit? Does the teacher “know for a fact” that you will be a smart person after graduating?

What are they actually selling, for what are we paying them?

Sit for a second before traveling

Much has been said about “setting goals”, but little was emphasized about the danger of the Toxic Goals. How to prevent this from happening?

1. Instead of “what do I want to get”, think in terms of “what do I want to create” – it will put you into a more useful frame of mind.

2. Pay attention to the Feeling you have when contemplating that goal. Anything less than total congruency might reveal a toxic goal.

3. Put that thought “on the back of your mind” – allow your Unconscious Mind to guide your steps. . When you put a seed in the ground, it’s obviously foolish to uncover it time to time, just to check out if it sprouted yet.

4. When you are “doing the doing” be Present in the Now. Concern yourself only with the activity you are doing in that particular moment.

5. Take time off for Evaluating how you are doing – Evaluating and Doing are Not to be done in the same time.